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Prayer List

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Jul 25
Praying for Ara who is under spiritual attack, may he have a revelation of God and who He really is. Pray to silence his ears to the enemy and to break the spirit of depression off him, send angels as well as a hedge of protection where he is in the dark. Lord shine your light in every dark are of his life and free him from the strong holds on bondages the enemy has him. Let no weapon formed against him prosper, in the name of Jesus.
Jul 24
In the name of the Father and in name Son and in the name of Holy Spirit, I am Mainy from India asking for restoring and reconcile my broken relationship with Kiran and lead to Godly marriage. Amen
Jul 24
My name is Fredrik. I live in Sweden. Please pray for me to meet a woman God wants me to love and marry. Can you also please pray for me that God will help me find another job than I have today. Pray for miracles to happen in my life.
Jul 23
Please pray for my dear neighbor Joyce who is suffering from severe Neuropathy. She is having surgery on August 6th. Pray the surgery will help her condition. Thank you prayer warriors.
Jul 23
Please pray for my daughter Erin. She is in the last 2 weeks of nursing school. She has two final exams and she is has so much anxiety. Please pray for her peace and clarity.
Jul 22
Please pray for my family and I to reunite as one in followers of Christ. Pray we turn from our secular ways and turn to Jesus only . Pray for us through our spiritual journey. Thank you all , Amen.
Jul 20
I've just been diagnosed with breast cancer. The spot is small, and I'm very hopeful. Prayer would be appreciated, though!
Jul 15
Pray for Andrea who is having problems finding a job and is feeling very stuck. Praying for doors to open economic stability, a job to be able to support her family as she is bread winner, pray for abundance in every area of her life, abundance of job offers, and pray the enemy has no authority over her finances and job search he open every closed door for her.
Jul 14
Please pray for Amber. She is hurting from a difficult divorce. She needs prayers to help her heal from this pain and to find the Lord so that our family can heal.
Jul 13
Heavenly Father, there is so much need in our church body. I ask that if it be your will you heal the sick, feed those who don’t have food. Help those that have lost their job!!! I ask that you bless all those in need. Also those that are in need of shelter. Amen
Jul 13
A dear friend passed away early Friday after a horrific accident. Her 11 yr old granddaughter witnessed the entire accident. Please pray for her entire family and friends during this devastating time, especially for her granddaughter.
Jul 12
Please pray for Laura, who has depression, anxiety, and severe OCD. She needs the Lord’s direction and protection.
Jul 11
Praying for Wes, boards, job, and discernment. Also for Amber humility, motherhood, and wife loyalty. Our family healing and over all. Thank you for everything.
May 16
Dear Prayer Warriors, requesting prayer for Cheryl in her present emotional trials, and for Mike, battling returning cancer. God bless!