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Steven Coleman

Steven Coleman

Youth Pastor

Steven was born in Benson AZ and raised there surrounded by his parents and eleven siblings. At the age of six, he gave his life to the Lord but lacked a complete understanding of that relationship with Christ. In high school, he strayed from the faith and moved to Tucson after graduating.

At the age of 20, he realized the condition of his broken mindset. Inspired by the truth of Psalm 16:2, He decided to put that life behind him and rededicated his life to Christ. “I knew that I could not find what I needed through my efforts in this world, Christ was knocking on my door with the truth and I just had to answer”. Steven was then introduced to Calvary Tucson through his brother James. He started volunteering at the Youth Group and attending the Young Adults Group. At this point, he felt God calling him back to Tucson and he swiftly made his way back. After a couple of years of helping with the Youth Group, he joined the Calvary staff team in 2023.

While in the Young Adults Group, he started dating Madison, who would in November of 2023 become his wife. Together they have settled in the city and gotten more involved with Calvary Tucson Youth.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬