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Marbell Silva

Marbell Silva

Children’s Ministry Director - East Campus

Marbell moved to Tucson from Nogales, Mexico in 2004, at the age of fourteen. She attended high school, where she met her future husband. They married in 2011, and soon started their family.

Marbell grew up in a home where they believed there was a God who created everything; But didn’t really know Him, or had a personal relationship with Him.

In 2019, after the birth of her fourth child, Marbell struggled with post-partum depression and hopelessness; Until she remembered the Bible given her by a Christian coworker. The more she read the Word of God, the more she felt “The peace that surpasses ALL understanding”. She began to hear a small voice that reassured her: “Be Still” “You and your family will be fine, just rest in Me”… On February 1st, 2020, Marbell called out on the name of the Lord; Then Christ came into her heart, and she was given a new life in Him.

Marbell surrendered her life to her Creator, the only God who can deliver from sin and death, and can give us a new life in Him. She is passionate about sharing her testimony- How Jesus saved her life, and her marriage with anyone who would listen! She feels blessed to be alive to serve God, to tell of His goodness and faithfulness. She feels honored she’s been called to minister children and their families at Growth Spurts Kids Ministry, and looks forward to meeting you!

Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10