Joanie was raised in a catholic home and went to a catholic school, but always had a desire in her heart to learn what the Bible had to say. At age 13 she started searching. Every time she went to a church and there was an altar call she raised her hand, but nothing seemed to happen.
One night a friend invited her to the first outreach Calvary Tucson had ever. Raul Ries was the speaker that night he said, “Don’t be stupid, if you don’t know the Lord come forward.” She couldn’t get there fast enough. This time raising her hand was different, they brought her to a room where she met pastor Robert, who encouraged her to read her Bible every day and recommended that she start in John. He also said she should pray, and let her know that the Holy Spirit would speak to her. Joanie went home that night and her life was changed. She developed a love for The Word and was at church every time the doors were open. Joanie has been speaking at retreats and leading Bible studies for over 30 years.
Joanie has a passion for the pro-life movement and sits on many Christian and non-profit boards across the country. When she isn’t working full-time as the CEO of Hands of Hope or volunteering as the Director of Abiding Women, she loves spending time with her husband, Marc, and their children and grandchildren.