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Calvary Men's background photo

Our purpose is to grow in our relationship with the LORD through the study of His Word, discipleship and prayer leading to fruitful relationships, parenting, service to Christ’s body and the community in which we live.

Our mission statement is to:

  • Yield fully to the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit in all facets of our life through the study and application of the Word of God.
  • Provide an opportunity for men to grow in their faith and walk with Christ while experiencing the love of Jesus in their lives.
  • Create an environment for men to worship, study and pray with other men freely.
  • Remain flexible to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Bible Studies

We have Bible Studies at both the West and East campuses in the Spring and Fall. We take a break during the summer. You can watch previous Bible Studies under the Teachings section below. If you are interested in our next Bible Study please contact Johnny Coate.

Sexual Addiction

Setting Captives Free - Full Armor

We have an on-going ministry at our EAST and WEST Campuses to help those that are struggling with God’s Purity. This course teaches biblical truths, shows practical steps and gives hope to persevere.

East Campus

Paul Canape
Every Monday from 6:30pm-8:00pm at the East Campus.
Contact Paul by phone or email for exact location.

West Campus

Jim Hazzard
Every Tuesday from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the West Campus Church Office.
